Thank you for visiting this page. This page has been put together to help learner drivers during their driving lessons.
After many years of teaching learner drivers we have found that the same faults/problems come up time and time again. So we have composed lots of questions you can try and answer
What are the stages of the cockpit drill and what should be set up last and why?
Describe how you would set up the mirrors for optimum visibility?
What are the 3 stages for moving the car off?
Describe in as much detail how you would prepare the car to move off?
Once prepared you will need to check its safe to move off. Where should you look and what are you looking for?
If you had a vehicle parked directly in front of you how would moving off differ?
Would moving off on a hill differ and if so how?
What is the first thing you need to do when planning to stop the vehicle on the left hand side of the road?
What mirrors do you need to check before stopping on the left and what are you looking for and how will you respond to what you see?
Can you list 10 places that are NOT safe legal and convenient?
Whereabouts should you always try to position your vehicle and why?
When going ahead you are faced with 2 or 3 lanes, which lane should we always try and use?
Can you describe what meeting traffic is?
When does meeting traffic usually occur?
You are travelling along a 2 way road and you have parked vehicles on your side of the road. Vehicles coming towards you, do we wait or do we proceed and why?
You are travelling along a 2 way road and you have parked vehicles on the opposite side of the road. Vehicles coming towards you, do we wait or do we proceed and why?
We are travelling along a 2 way road and we have parked vehicles on both sides of the road. Vehicles coming towards you, do we wait or do we proceed and why?
An oncoming vehicle flashes their lights, what do you do and why?
You have passed a couple of parked vehicles but you cannot see beyond it due to following a large vehicle, what should you do and why?
Why should you be particularly careful when dealing with parked vehicles on a bend and why?
What does the give way line at the end of the road look like and what does it mean to you?
What does a STOP line at the end of road look like and what does it mean to you?
Where might we see a STOP junction?
What routine do we use to emerge from a T-Junction? Explain each step.
How far from the junction should we start our routine and why?
When checking our mirrors before turning what are we looking for and why?
Why do you think its important to arrive at the give way line slowly?
Roughly how much steering do we need to do when we start to emerge left?
When trying to emerge from a T-Junction which way should we look first and why?
When emerging from a T-Junction what vehicles are particularly hard to see?
When emerging, a vehicle is parked close to the end of the road on your side, how will this affect us and how should you proceed?
You are coming up to the give way line and a pedestrian is waiting on the pavement, what do you do?
What routine do we use when approaching to either turn left or right?
When turning into a side road are you likely to have to stop and why?
How will the sharpness of the junction affect you and what might you need to safely navigate it?
When turning right into a side road what is your biggest danger and why?
When turning right into a side road describe where your point of turn is and why?
There is a que of traffic in the new road on the right, what do you do and why?
When might you hold back and allow the traffic from the side road emerge first?
What routine do we use when we emerge and approach from a crossroad?
How do you identify a crossroad (3 things) how do they differ from a T-Junction?
You are emerging from a crossroad, how do you know when it is safe to emerge?
What is the offside to offside technique and can you explain the pros and cons?
What is the nearside to nearside technique and can you explain the pros and cons?
Write out the sequence of a set of traffic lights, and explain what all the lights mean.
How does a filter arrow differ to a regular green light?
When will you see a flashing amber light and what does it mean?
You are approaching a green light to turn right and there is oncoming traffic, what do you do and why?
Whilst waiting to turn right you spot a gap in the traffic, what do you do?
There is no gap in the traffic and the light starts to turn amber and then red, what do you do and why?
Where do you wait when turning right at a set of traffic lights?
Are you allowed to wait in the yellow criss cross box? Explain your reason.
How might you identify a pedestrian crossing ahead?
You identify a pedestrian crossing ahead, what is the first thing you should do?
How will you respond if you see closely following traffic when approaching the pedestrian crossing?
What crossing has black and white stripes across the road?
You see a flashing amber light at a pelican crossing, what does it mean and how will you respond to it?
What do the zig zag lines on the approach to a pedestrian crossing mean?
If your view is blocked on the approach to a pedestrian crossing then how will you proceed?
If a zebra crossing has an island then how might you treat it differently to one that hasn't got one?
A light controlled crossing has an island in the middle, how does it differ to one without and island?
In the simplest terms what is a roundabout?
What routine do we use when approaching a roundabout?
How do we use the clock rule when dealing with roundabouts?
How fast should we approach roundabouts and why?
Who do we give way to at roundabouts?
Are roundabouts mostly open or closed and why?
If a vehicle from the left starts to move off, how might this help you?
How do you know when to leave the roundabout for your exit?
What do you need to be aware of when leaving the roundabout?
How do mini roundabouts differ to regular one?
How should you treat the white centre of the roundabout?
What are the difficulties and dangers of doing a U turn at a mini roundabout?
How are the signalling requirements different to a regular roundabout?
As you are scanning the road ahead for hazards why should you be regularly checking your mirrors?
List 10 static hazard and 10 moving hazards.
When driving in slow moving traffic where should you try not to stop, and why?
What things do you need to consider before overtaking?
You are following a bus, how can you anticipate it pulling in?
The bus pulls in but its not safe to overtake, describe what position you should take up and why?
You are just about to set off to overtake the bus but as you do it indicates right, what do you do and why?
How much space should you give a cyclist when overtaking and why?
When driving ahead on a road with more than one lane, which lane should you normally use and why?
In what circumstance should you use the other lanes?
Describe in as much detail how you would change lanes?
Why don't you think we should change lanes unnecessarily slowly?
How can you tell whether to use a bus lane or not?
How do you define a dual carriageway?
What is the national speed limit on a dual carriageway?
What does the national speed limit sign look like?
At high speeds on a dual carriageway what sort of dangers should you be aware of?
An emergency vehicle is approaching from behind, blue lights flashing and sirens. How do you react?
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